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Economic Development Committee Minutes 09/16/2013
Economic Development Advisory Committee
Meeting Minutes

Recorded by Jack Moran
September 16, 2013
Members present:  JFletcher, JMoran, PRenaud, RCilley
Also attending: John Hopkins

7:03 pm: PRenaud called the meeting to order.

JFletcher moved to accept August 19, 2013 meeting minutes with attachment of projects list with comments. JMoran seconded. Vote unanimous in favor.

SWOT Analysis: The Committee reviewed SWOT to finalize for inclusion in a presentation to Select Board. A discussion ensued about the best way to prep the document for this presentation. It was agreed that JFletcher would draft a summary paragraph for each section for the next meeting.

·       Historical Places of Interest:  Agreed to comment on these places as is. This could be a draw to bring people to town. PRenaud stated that the proposed Neighborhood Heritage District Ordinance potentially addresses protection in this area.

·       Railway Access: Ray has discussed this with Peter Leishman, who has a 10 year lease of the tracks. PLeishman has stated that many people in the area are supportive of the railroad; he is always exploring options for increased utilization. He has been approached in the past about sand & gravel mining interests. He would like to upgrade the railroad into Bennington for Monadnock Paper and is continuing to put money into track maintenance for this purpose. He does have some recurring business for occasional scenic tours. There has been abutter resistance to the railroad activity in the past, but these particular abutters are no longer there. PLeishman plans to produce an informational / promotional video of the rail line across Greenfield. RCilley will fund the cost of that project.

·       Recreation: (This strength includes 6 items on the SWOT list.) It was agreed by all that at the very least we need to get out on the web what the area has to offer. Recreational opportunities are probably the strongest marketing point the town has. This will increase the possibility for driving more events to build traffic in the area. JHopkins stated that adventure type events, such as the Hampshire 100 race weekend, is a niche market but growing steadily. This could be a starting area for the town to begin building a reputation. A map of town recreational trails exists. There is concern that most of our trail system resides in private party hands who would not want a map to be published showing their property being involved. Belief is that there are enough public access trials available from which a viable map could be produced and eventually posted on the town website.

·       Regional Health Care Infrastructure: The Committee felt that, for now, it only has marketing value. The economic scenario is currently unfavorable to push as a development area.

·       Farming and Animal Husbandry: This was deemed to be non-actionable at this time.
JMoran said interested groups should focus on one thing to do for further developments in this area. It was agreed that a natural resources inventory for the area is needed before further activity can be done. RCilley commented that he is currently working on a NRI in conjunction with the Conservation Commission.

·       Underdeveloped downtown area: It was questioned whether the proposed Heritage District would serve to restrict development opportunities in the village. A discussion about this issue will come up at the Planning Board this fall. It was agreed by all that the Meeting House is the focal point of the town and that the continued patch jobs on repairs is unacceptable. It seems that the town’s vision is limited because of budgetary restraints. It was agreed to make a recommendation to the Select Board that they use their good offices to try and instigate the formation of a private group in town that would pursue full restoration of the Meeting House.

·       Under used railway access: Discussed above in Strengths section.

·       Disintegrating Infrastructure, no highway access: PRenaud said the Select Board is already pursuing a new initiative for paving Town roads. There is a plan being formulated for dirt roads but, typically, this is part of the DPW operating budget. It is unknown what the extent of any dirt road fixes would be.

·       Limited broadband and telecommunications: PRenaud is attending a regional broadband forum next week where a draft regional plan will be presented to the public. He will report results of the forum to the EDAC at the next meeting. He will then decide how to address various aspects of an EDAC subcommittee.

·       Commercial / Industrial Zoning: PRenaud is presenting his proposals to the Planning Board at the September 23rd meeting. He will decide how to proceed after that meeting.
An advisory vote on this will happen at the October or November EDAC meeting.

·       Non-Taxable Land: It was agreed that we should be recommending to the Select Board that they review which parcels under town control should be made available for acquisition in order to put them on the town tax base.
We should be exercising outreach to organizations sitting on non-taxable property to see if there are ways we can collaborate together. How can we help them, how can they help us?

·       Education System (ConVal): It was agreed to ask Mary Lou O’Neal to sit in with us at a future meeting.

(Higher Education): How can we collaborate with institutions in our periphery? The fact that the nearest schools are several towns away is a problem (Franklin Pierce University, New England College, Keene State). Do these institutions draw people to the area? How can we attract educational organizations to the area to possibly collaborate with regional colleges? It was agreed this may be something to look into in the medium to long term future.

·       Limited Housing Options: The whole reason there is an EDAC is to help reduce the impact of tax burden on residents. PRenaud stated that the lack of affordable housing issue was a fairly common response to town negatives in last year’s Master plan survey. RCilley cautioned that opening the door to more affordable housing could irreversibly change the character of the town. Does EDAC have a voice in making a recommendation as this issue impacts on the economy of the area? Yes, we should participate in this town discussion. It was agreed to investigate the impact of Workforce Housing regulations on this issue.

·       Limited Lodging (other than camping): We agree there is an issue here and we would need to make a recommendation to the Planning Board to make changes to the Zoning Ordinance which would support a business like this coming into town.

·       No Natural Resources of Sufficient Value to Develop: A natural resources inventory is being done. Water quality is excellent in town, this can be marketable. The water resource should be moved to the Opportunity section. JMoran said we, as a town, need to decide whether we want to utilize this resource for development, or do we want to protect it?

·       Lack of Communication and Coordination between Town Public Bodies: We are trying to become part of the answer with our outreach efforts. The Planning Board is also making efforts in this area.

·       No Food Delivery in Town: Taken off the list because there is no discernable impediment to the establishment of this type of business.

·       Limited Water Distribution and Sewer Systems: There is not much we can do about this at this time. PRenaud stated this weakness will substantially limit the types of businesses the town will be able to attract.

PRenaud stated that because of the lateness of the hour, we will have to postpone discussion of the Opportunities and Threats sections of the SWOT and the RSA 79-E until next month’s meeting.

RCilley made a point concerning EDAC budgeting for next year. This was tabled for discussion until next month’s meeting.

Other Matters:  The Railroad Update by RCilley was discussed earlier in the meeting.

VeryFine Co. Property Update: RCilley said he has not had a response from them yet, but believes from conversations with others that the original plan for the property may have been water extraction. The Committee agreed to let the Company know about the existence of the EDAC.

Recycling Study: PRenaud told the Committee of the possibility that an EDAC subcommittee could be formed to investigate ways to make the Recycling Center self sufficient. This would entail studying the materials markets, observing how other towns are making their recycling profitable, and communicating with adjacent towns about partnering on recycling efforts with the goal of regionalization. This study committee would approach the task from primarily a financial standpoint, rather than a green one.

Subcommittee Issues: PRenaud will determine the make-up of a broadband subcommittee largely based on the results of the regional broadband forum he is attending on September 25th.

10:15 pm.  JFletcher motioned to adjourn. JMoran seconded. Vote unanimous to adjourn the meeting.